Mega-Malunggay 100's + Herbilogy Sweet Leaf Extract Powder Bundle

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  • ₱1,300.00
  • Regular price ₱1,445.00
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Get this special bundle that includes Mega-Malunggay Capsules, and Herbilogy Sweet Leaf Extract Powder!

Each bundle contains one (1) Mega-Malunggay Capsules 100s, one (1) pack Herbilogy Sweet Leaf Extract Powder.


About Mega-Malunggay Capsules

Perfect for breastfeeding mothers--promotes the growth of the hormone Prolactin, which essential for stimulating lactation. Moringa Oleifera contains more vitamin C than oranges, 3x the amount iron in spinach, and 4x the calcium amount in milk. It also contains essential proteins and oils. It helps heal inflamed joints and tendons, and helps normalize blood pressure and sugar level.

    About Herbilogy Sweet Leaf Extract Powder

    Sweet Leaf / Star Gooseberry (Sauropus androgynus) is vegetable crop that can be found in South East Asia. Sweet leaf has high nutritional valuse: contains up to 7% protein and 19% fiber. It is rich of vitamin K, provitamin A (beta-carotene), B and C; contains mineral such as calcium (up to 2.8%), iron, calium, phosphor and magnesium. In Indonesia, sweet leaf is commonly used and known as a prolactin to increase the flow of breast milk.


    100g pack contains 100% Super Fine & Premium Sweet Leaf Extract Powder, without added sugar, dyes, flavorings, MSG, preservatives or chemicals.

    • Origin: West Java
    • Taste: creamy, mild bitter
    • Color: creamy brown


    Herbilogy Sweet Leaf Extract Powder completely dissolves in food/drinks. Simply mix 1 teaspoon (3 grams) of Herbilogy Sweet Leaf Powder into a glass of warm tea or coffee or warm water until dissolved (honey and lemon may be added), or a bowl of warm mung bean porridge. It can also be mixed into a glass of juice, smoothies, or even sprinkled on cookies, cereal and others. See here for the food/beverages ideas.

    One to three times a day, along with frequent and regular skin-to-skin contact or pumping, drink plenty of water, a minimum 2.5 L per day and have enough rest. It can be consumed starting from 36 weeks of pregnancy until the end of the breastfeeding period.


    Close the packaging tight right after use to preserve quality. Store in a cool, dry place with temperature below 30C, away from direct sunlight, keep out of reach of children.